- 自分の好きな分野の仕事なら続けたいがルーチン作業の会社員はもうこりごり。
女性だからとお茶くみも未だに続いている古い体質の会社に嫌気がさしているから。 - 全くしたくないわけでなく、優先事項が自分や家族でありたいと思う。けど、そんな都合勝手な仕事はない。
- 仕事すると、家事分担してくれないので、自分の負担が増えるから
- 京都府 未婚 会社員 29歳
出産、育児との両立が難しそう。育児休暇中、復帰の意欲がなくなっていきそうで怖い。 - 山梨県 未婚 パート・アルバイト 31歳
未だ不利な面や払う犠牲は多く、それでもキャリアを目指すなら性格その他キツくなっていかざるを得ない事が大半だろうと思います。これにより、時に厳しすぎる取捨選択を迫られ追い込まれてしまう人も少なくないかと。 - 愛知県 既婚 会社員 32歳
育児との両立が難しい会社なので、どのようにして少ない時間で貢献できるか検討中 - 東京都 未婚 会社員 34歳
在宅勤務や時短を活用して、人材活用を上手くできるように取り計らう必要があると感じる。 - 神奈川県 無し 会社員 37歳
日本社会は男女平等と表向きには公言しているが、田舎の企業はまだまだ古風な考え方が抜けておらず、男性しか出世できない。 - 大阪府 既婚 会社員 37歳
日本では当たり前のように、結婚したら女性が家事をするものと決まっている。専業主婦の家庭で育った男と結婚したら、なおさら。正直、結婚したことを深く後悔しています。協力、助け合いどころか邪魔するだけの夫は、正直いらない。 - 兵庫県 既婚 会社員 38歳
大企業に就職して、会社も腰掛のつもりで採用したのにいつまでも居座って、結婚して育休取って、口が達者になり、給料だけが上がっていくノータリンな女性と、家庭と子どもと仕事のバランスをはかりながら、ひいては起業までしちゃうようなバイタリティのある女性とを、同じ「キャリア女性」として見られたくないですね。 - 香川県 既婚 専業主婦 40歳
いろいろなケースがあると思いますが、相談する相手、制度が充実していれば、女性が活躍する社会につながっていくと思います。私は今は、自分で小さなお店を立ち上げました。後悔することのないように、これからもがんばっていきたいと思います。 - 奈良県 既婚 パート・アルバイト 40歳
仕事をすると、さらに時間的な余裕はないけれど、自分自身でも生き生きしていると思えるようになりました。 - 東京都 既婚 その他 42歳
女性だからと言って何かハンデがあるのはおかしいし、やる気のある人は頑張って続けてよいと思います。しかし実際は、妊娠出産子育てを挟むとかなり大変なのも事実。欧米ではフォローが当たり前の社会なので、日本でも(無理だと思いますが)男性女性両方の意識改革と現実のフォロー体制を期待したいなあ。 - 東京都 既婚 専業主婦 45歳
家族のあり方を考えつつ、自分の仕事についてタイミング良く考えて行ければいいなと思い、仕事優先になることが出来ずに今まで来ました。これからも家族の幸せを第一に生きて行きたいと考えています。 - 兵庫県 未婚 無職 48歳
これからの日本の事を考えたら女性はキャリアより子供を産んで育てる事の方が大事だと思う。 - 大阪府 既婚 その他 49歳
仕事と家庭生活の両立は、夫の協力があってこそ。夫は共働き家庭で育ったが、義母が一人で頑張っていたらしいので、夫は家事分担の意識がない。幼少期にキャリア関連の授業なりがあれば、違っていたのかも。 - 大阪府 既婚 パート・アルバイト 58歳
[:en]Who now responded, the employment rate of women is 73.5%.
In addition, 40% of employment intentions of the unemployed.
Employment rate 71.8 percent of Japan’s 25-54-year-old woman of “Employment Outlook 2015,” the OECD was slightly higher than.
Among the workers, the intent to continue the work 73.3%, assuming that there is an economic margin 62.4%, down more than 10 points.
Unemployed is “do not want to work” reasons, such as “I want to use time on the hobby,” “pet want to spend together,” “my burden will increase,” “I want to play with life.”
This time, regional attributes of respondents, Kanto and Kinki is more than 60%.
After all, if that is less female employment opportunities in the countryside.
According to the “Employment Outlook 2015” employment rate in Japan from 25 to 54 years old women 24 ranked among the member countries.
Period: 2016.5.19~2016.5.30
Respondents: 98 people (women only)
【Q1】Do you have a job?(SA)
【Q2】If you have a job, do you want to continue to work?(SA)
【Q3】If you have a job, Do you want to work even if economic surplus?(SA)
【Q4】If you do not have to work, do you want to work in the future?(SA)
【Q5】If you do not have to work, and why?(FA)
Except for “economically can afford”, such as “cumbersome,” “tired,” “I want to use the time in the hobby” is a reason.
- Want to continue if their favorite field of work, but, company employee is tired of the routine work.
Not tolerate sexual harassment and power harassment.
“Women can brew the tea,” has continued still is, the old constitution of the company is disgusting. - Rather than do not want at all, priorities want to be by yourself and family. But, there is no work of such good conditions.
- Because do not you share the housework, their burden will increase if the job.
【Q6】Have you ever thought seriously about their career?(SA)
【Q7】Please if you have any opinion about women and work (carrier).(FA)
- Kyoto unmarried company employee 29-year-old
Difficulties likely to achieve both of the childbirth and child-rearing. A willingness to return, scary likely lost during the period of maternity leave. - Yamanashi Prefecture unmarried Part Time 31-year-old
Still downside and sacrifice a lot, if still aim a career, have no choice but to Ika become tight personality, such often. Thereby, forced to sift at too hard, it would have been Trapped people often. - Aichi Prefecture married company employee 32-year-old
Since it is difficult company to balance work and child care, in considering how to contribute in less time. - Tokyo unmarried company employee 34-year-old
When you return through the pregnancy and childbirth, it is difficult assignment of the appropriate position.
Utilizing telecommuting and shorter working hours, there is a need to better the human resources. - Kanagawa Prefecture No company employee 37-year-old
There is no way only become entrepreneur in his own owner.
Although Japanese society is to face up has been declared as the “gender equality”, the countryside of the companies still in the old-fashioned idea, success can not be only men. - Osaka married company employee 37-year-old
In Japan, as a matter of course, women are determined shall be the housework After the marriage. When you marry a man who grew up in the housewife of the home, all the more. honestly, I regret deeply that you have married. Far from cooperation and help each other, husband of just annoying, I do not need honestly. - Hyogo Prefecture married company employee 38-year-old
Employment in large companies, also adopted the company with the intention to get married, Yet have lingered a long period of time, to get married, taking childcare leave, become nag, only salary is going to increase, women who are mistaken. Other hand, while maintaining a balance of home and child work, and the vitality of a woman such as entrepreneurship, I do not want to be seen as the same “female career”. - Kagawa Prefecture married housewife 40 years old
Marriage, childbirth, child care, nursing care, women will think that there is a lot of turning point look back their own. Children became the first grade junior high school this year, when still of 1 and a half years old, worries Between work and crying at night, I have retired from the worked the company for eight years. At that time, it might have been continued if hospitable support has around.
I think that there are a variety of cases, however, if there is a partner to consult and fulfilling system, I think that women will lead the society to be active. Now, I launched a small shop by oneself. So as not to regret, I want to do my best from now on. - Nara Prefecture married part-time workers 40 years of age
When have a family, first, being chased to housework and child care, there is no margin of time, first I feel did not occur to work. But, gradually away from the world, born also alienation, a mother, while a wife, as also myself one person, want to be recognized in society, consciousness that is now very strong.
When you work, still it is not enough time, but now seems to be alive in themselves. - Tokyo married other 42-year-old
There although something handicap because she was a woman in there is a problem, people who are motivated, I think that it may continue to work hard. However, pregnancy, childbirth, child-rearing, When, pretty much the case for fact. Western follow although norm of society, even in Japan (although I think that it is impossible) Male Female both of awareness raising, expect a real follow-up system of.