- ガーターベルトのタイプというのか、商品によって、つけ心地は全く違う。
ウエストのサイズ調整の部分がホックになっているタイプだと、緩んだり、食い込んだりしない。 - ナイロン100%のストッキングは、ポリウレタンが使われているモノとは全く別物。
弱そうに見えて、かなり強い。これもメーカーによって異なるようだ。 - ガーターベルトが、骨盤をほどよくサポートしてくれる感触は、かなり気持ち良い。
姿勢が良くなる感じというか。 - 人に見せるわけでも、見られるわけでもないが、オンナとしての気分はかなりアップする。
装着手順は、ガーターベルト → ストッキング → ショーツ
【Q1】あなたは、ガーターベルトを持っている? (SA)
【Q3】Q2で、「ほとんど使っていない」と答えられた方、その理由はなんですか? (FA)
- 買ったころはデートの時とかに使っていたけど、結婚してからは使わなくなってしまった(25〜29歳・専業主婦)
- 「妊娠出産子育てでそれどころじゃない(笑)。それなりに若いころは、なかなかセクシーよねー、とチャレンジしたりしていたけれど、面倒だし、食い込むし、もう使っていません。(40〜44歳・専業主婦)
【Q4】ガーターベルトを持っていない方、使ってみたいと思いますか? (SA)
【Q5】ガーターベルトに関する疑問・質問・体験談があれば教えてください! (FA)
- 20〜24歳 会社員
洗濯するときに気を遣いそうなイメージ。ガーターベルトをしているように見えるタイツを履いていたときに、すごく視線を感じたことがありました。 - 20〜24歳 学生
いつもセクシーで密かに憧れを抱いています。今度挑戦してみようと思いました。 - 25〜29歳 専業主婦
正しい着用方法が最初はわからなかった!でも使うと何となく色気が出るというか…気分的にドキドキした - 25〜29歳 会社員
どこで販売されてるんですか?見たことがありません - 25〜29歳 会社員
ガーターベルト持ってないです。実物を見たこともありません。よく外国の映画やドラマで見かけますが、日本ではそんなに普及?していないと思います。ガーターベルトつけてる人が周りにいたら、えっ?と一瞬固まってしまうと思います(笑)何だか風俗関係の人?みたいに思ってしまいます。文化の違いなのでしょうか?ガーターベルト対応?したストッキングもあまり売ってなので、やっぱり持ってる人いない(少ない)のではと。通販とかでは売ってるみたいですね。でも外国の女性のように黒いストッキングにガーターベルトってとてもセクシーなので一度つけてみたいなとは思います。(コスプレ感覚ですね)でも日常的につけるのはちょっと…ストッキングが破れそう、装着がいちいち面倒くさそう、など色々思ってしまいます。他の方の意見も聞いてみたいです。 - 35〜39歳 会社員
どの位置につけるのが正解かわからない - 35〜39歳 専業主婦
正直なところ履く機会があんまりない。そうだ。最近デート自体してないからだ。履きたい気持ちはまだまだありますよ。だっていつまでも女性でいたいですから。 - 35〜39歳 パート・アルバイト
20代の頃は持っていましたが、今は興味なくなりましたね。モデルさんと違って綺麗にフィットするものがなかなかないし。 - 40〜44歳 専業主婦
[:en]September 19, 2016
For was carried out in September 2016 “garter belt”, responses were obtained from 94 women across the country.
Garter belt owner is 16.0%.
53.3% of the owner is not using.
25.0% of non-owners Want to use in the future.
The question about the garter belt, the opinion that “I do not know how to use” were received many.
I myself, alone with wearing in a young age, garter belt that was not used in the usually.
Part to agree to asked question also had many.
Few days ago, buy a new garter belt.
How to wear garter belt, a who wear stockings, who carefully taught.
The following is that it has been found in it.
- Whether that type of garter belt, depending on the product, attaching feeling is totally different.
Type a portion of the size adjustment of the West has become the hook is loose, not pressed into. - ナイロン100%のストッキングは、ポリウレタンが使われているモノとは全く別物。
It looks weak likely, quite strong. This is also it differently depending on the manufacturer. - Feel garter belt us to moderately support the pelvis, quite pleasant.
I mean I feel the attitude is good. - Also not shown to the people, but nor seen, mood as a woman is quite up.
Only feel? This I female hormone to be mounted, the resulting mood.
Finally, the procedure wear was also in question.
Garter belt is the correct answer is to wear under the shorts.
Wear order, garter belt → stockings → shorts
OK just take off the shorts in the toilet.
Easier than raising and lowering the pantyhose.
Photos of models wearing, such as catalogs, in order to show good appearance, It is said that wearing a garter belt from the top of the shorts.
Honestly, the first two days I also tips did not grasp, but, once you well adjusted, after get used immediately. If you have a chance, by all means, please try to challenge.
Implementation: August 29 to September 7, 2016
Respondents: 94 (women only)
【Q1】Do you have a garter belt? (SA)
【Q2】If you have a garter belt, do you use at the time of any situation? (MA)
【Q3】If you answered with “4.Little use” in Q2, and why? (FA)
- When I bought was using at the time of the date, But, had no longer used from the married (25 to 29-year-old, housewife)
- Not just no way in the pregnancy birth parenting. Young is in its own way, but had been or challenge I’m quite sexy, and, to hassle, to bite, do not use anymore. (40 to 44-year-old, housewife)
【Q4】If you do not have a garter belt, do you think want to use? (SA)
【Q5】Questions and experiences about the garter belt. (FA)
- 20 to 24-year-old company employee
Want to use
Likely errand care image at the time of washing. When I was wearing tights that appear to have a garter belt, it was possible to feel the very line of sight. - 20 to 24-year-old student
Want to use
Always hugging secretly longing sexy. I thought to try to challenge next time. - 25-29-year-old housewife
Correct wear method did not know at first! But use and somehow sex appeal comes out, or rather … Emotionally was pounding. - 25-29-year-old company employee
Want to use
Where are you sold? I have never seen! - 25-29-year-old company employee
Want to use
I do not have garter belt. I do not even seen the real thing. Well I see in foreign films and dramas, but I think that in Japan not so much popular. If we had been around a person wearing garter belt, I think that it locks up for a moment. Will it somehow like a person of sex business. What cultural differences? I do not sell even much garter belt the corresponding stockings, than no one to have after all. So it is selling in the mail order. But, as foreign women, because the black stockings and garter belt is so sexy, I want to wear once. (It is cosplay sense) But, the daily wear is … Stockings are likely to break, wearing every time trouble, such as will think variety. I would like to also hear opinion of other people. - 35 to 39-year-old company employee
Want to use
I do not know the correct answer is to put in any position - 35 to 39-year-old housewife
Honestly, there is not so much opportunity to wear. Yes, because have not recently dating itself. Wear want the feeling is there still. Because I also want to be women forever. - 35 to 39-year-old part-time workers
Not Interested
Although had the days of 20s, I was no longer interested in now. It is not quite one that fits clean unlike the model’s. - 40 to 44-year-old housewife
Wear order is worrisome. Considering that go to the bathroom, I think wear shorts on top of the garter belt. Even in sexy deployment, to better the garter belt he wore as they think more sexy. But the catalog on the garter belt under everyone shorts and the like. It is strange.