群衆 – こんなDQに誰がした – 第三夜


三夜目 群衆




ところが、そんな先入観をとりはらってくれたのが「社会科学の方法 ヴェーバーとマルクス(大塚久雄著)」。


















  • 「社会科学の方法 ヴェーバーとマルクス」
    (大塚久雄 岩波書店 1966年)
  • 「天井桟敷の人々」
    (監督:マルセルカルネ 原題:Les enfants du Paradis 「楽園の子供たち」1945年)
  • 「銀巴里ライヴ」
    (美輪明宏 1981年)

注1)マルセル・カルネ(Marcel Carne)

注2)ヌーヴェルヴァーグ(フランス語: Nouvelle Vague)


ドラァグクイーン ミーモ ドルックス

「ちょっとしたきっかけで幸せを」をテーマに、多数のクラブイベントを企画。1997年に誕生したドラァグクイーンパーティー「電動付睫(でんどうつけまつげ)」は、「デンツケ(DENTUKE)」の愛称で親しまれ、大阪のみならず、日本を代表するパーティーとして広く知られるようになりました。ミーモ ドルックスは、そのデンツケにおいて、長年「恋愛相談室」を担当し、一部の熱狂的な支持を受けてきました。2007年、10周年を迎えると共に充電期間に入り、現在に至る(2016年8月現在)。

ご意見・ご感想は、mimo@girlstalk.jp まで。

メンズ ラグジュアリー パジャマ Mister Piece[:en]The content is what was posted three times until 10 May 2011 from May 2011.

Love is fun, sad, beautiful

October 5, 2011

Reckless to also introduce this book of economics book. Moreover, it is a book about “Marxist economics”.
In fact, not only economics, is what has been written about the broader social science.

I myself, most areas are not interested. Moreover, the “Marxist economics” is to would be difficult, I thought it was the field of the little old feeling among the economics.
However, had me get rid of such prejudice is “How the social sciences Weber and Marx (Author Hisao Otsuka)”.

Although this book is has become a relatively easy-to-understand content because it is based on the lecture, among them next episode of the “crowd” is to be quoted, even I do not have knowledge of all economics, to understand To smoothly I was able.
It is a little long, I would like to quote.

When in junior high school, How can together with his brother went to a baseball game of the first high school versus the third high school, the crowd near the entrance began to move like an avalanche. Then to Among them, it is I even had also entered brother.

If that happens, I tried to budge by individuals rebelled thoroughly, until you are not dying only to the serious injury, if you are going to safely survive, individuals are among the flow, just the entire will not in addition to keep up with the movement.
(From “social way of science”, citation omitted some appropriate)

It is to this kind of experience is common.
The author introduces such a real experience, are summarized as follows.

The power of the entire crowd no doubt to the sum of the various individual force, independent of the various individual itself form the crowd, it has become opposed rather.
(Quoted from “How the social sciences”)

Among the crowd, there are times when they can not act like think.
It can not proceed well in the direction in which to go.
That kind of situation Marx is not called the “human alienation”. Maybe.

This is not only the economy, I think we have the same kind of situation in love?

Common point of love and the economy

Dating, marriage, are very sensitive to the situation around is also such a thing.
Their feelings is not transmitted, being obstructed by the offense-free behavior of others.
Love is not go at will.

Means that, human beings of the produce “love” is “alienated to collective action” of human beings.

Wrote up here, I remembered a certain French cinema.
Marcel Carne director of (Note 1) referred to as a “ceiling gallery of the people”, it is the work which was made during the Second World War.

Baptiste of the hero in the last scene of this movie is chasing the beloved Garance, but two people are disturbed by the crowd I would have been pulled away.
It wow the scene. Work can enjoy an overwhelming presence, the world of Marcel Carne is a must-see.

Story will deviate a little, read the critics of the movie, it is a lot of people are writing and was shocked when the technique of the nouvelle vague (Note 2) saw for the first time with a new one.
However, for me that was born after the 1970s, the nouvelle vague itself has become more commonplace technique, what’s new? , I thought much me.
In short, such as Marcel Carne, because not watched the nouvelle vague previous movie, So you its newness did not know.

Further, that the recall in the nouvelle vague, Mr. Akihiro Miwa.

“Silver Paris Live” is also in the works with a number of Miwa-san, in my eternal Bible, in this live at chanson cafe “silver Paris” of legend, Mr. Miwa is disrespecting the thrilling the nouvelle vague.
The sophistication of than anything MC, the current cross dresser entertainer as well, also overlooking the entire entertainment industry, Miwa-san not forgive the other followers. For even nouvelle vague, not just abuse, has become a can of much MC is good is referred to as one of the works.
At that time did not go to that place (is natural) is a great live in much mortifying that. Since the CD has been released, Please listen always. It is always.

Speaking of which, the name also has a song called fittingly “crowd” to the “silver Paris Live”.
This song is what sang the destined to be at the mercy of the crowd.


  • “How the social sciences Weber and Marx”
    (Hisao Otsuka Iwanami Shoten, 1966)
  • “Ceiling gallery of people”
    (Director: Marcel Carne Original title: Les enfants du Paradis “Children of Paradise” 1945)
  • “Silver Paris Live”
    (Akihiro Miwa 1981)

Note 1) Marcel Carne (Marcel Carne)
France-born Paris film director, playwright

Note 2) Nouvelle Vague (French: Nouvelle Vague)
Cinema movement in began in France in the late 1950s.


Drag queen Mimo de Luxe

The “happiness a little chance,” the theme, planning a lot of club events. Drag queen party was born in 1997 “with electric eyelash (DENDOTSUKEMATSUGE)” it is nicknamed “DENTUKE”, not only in Osaka, came to be widely known a party that represents Japan. Mimo de Luxe, in its Dentsuke, charge of the many years “love counseling room”, has earned some of the enthusiastic support. 2007, to enter the charging period along with the marks the 10th anniversary, to the present. (August 2016, currently)

If you have any opinions and comments, contact us.

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