- 25〜29歳・近畿
乾燥による痒みが激しくて眠れない時が多々あるのですが、ボディクリームや痒み留めを利用していることや、加湿器を使用することです。 - 25〜29歳・関東
乾燥対策は加湿器をつけて、マスクをして寝てます。現在妊娠中なので冷えにも気を付けてくつ下と腹巻きははずせません。 - 25〜29歳・東北
足の冷えがひどく、寝るときは締め付け感のないモコモコの靴下が欠かせません。節水でやめましたが、ペットボトルにお湯を入れて湯たんぽ代わりにしていたときは朝までポカポカで快適に眠れます。 - 25〜29歳・近畿
部位により冷えの度合いが違うので、寒かったり熱かったりする。冷え対策で靴下は履いて寝たいのですが汗をかいてしまうと靴下が湿り、それが冷えるので余計に足が冷えてしまうので寝る時は脱ぐようにしています。 - 30〜34歳・関東
寝つきがよくなるように湯船につかる、汗をかいてしまってもそのまま寝てしまっている、汗を吸ってくれるように綿素材の長袖を着る、リラックスタイムと思って就寝前に冬の時期だけ目の周りの温感マッサージをする、ホコリを定期的に除去する、夜用保湿乳液など肌の乾燥対策についても行う - 35〜39歳・近畿
あまり靴下も手袋も好きではなないので、冬は苦労します。服を着すぎるのもイヤなので、毛布だけゲルマニウム入りの毛布で寝ています。 - 35〜39歳・東北
喉のイガイガが本当に辛かったけど、マスクを必ず着けて寝ると朝全然違うので冬場は特に大切!!カインズで60枚で約500円で売ってる、青色のテカテカした箱のマスクがベストです。マスクの真ん中と上にワイヤーが入っているので、息苦しく無く常に快適で居られます。 - 35〜39歳・関東
足冷えや乾燥からの喉の違和感があるので、敷布団に暖かな生地のパットを付けています。また、寝付くまでマスクをして喉の乾燥をなるべく防ぐようにしています。 - 35〜39歳・関東
布団に入るとムれて汗をかくので、直接毛布ではなく、タオルケットの上に毛布をかけるようにしている。足のつま先もムれるので、靴下は履かない。入浴後、すぐに布団に入るのと汗をかくので、帰宅後に入浴をするよう心がけている。 - 40〜44歳・九州・沖縄
喉が弱いので、乾燥するためできるだけ暖房器具は使わないようにしています。でもどうしても寒いときは眠る前に温かい緑茶を飲み、枕のそばにお湯をたっぷり浸したタオルを敷布団が濡れないように、洗濯バサミで吊るして寝るようにしています。やらないよりは少し喉の乾燥も防げているように思います。 - 45〜49歳・近畿
以前は沢山分厚いパジャマにガウンも着込んで、分厚いソックスにフリースブーツまで履いてベッドにはいっていました。冬は特に体温も低くなり、分厚い靴下を履いても足の爪が紫色になるので、5年前に思い切って岩盤マットを買いました。60度迄上げられるので、最初はポカポカにしておいて、45度に下げてタイマーで4時間ほどにセットしておけばぐっすり眠れます。 - 45〜49歳・四国
寝る前に、電気毛布で布団を暖め、布団に入るときに、OFFにしています。 - 45〜49歳・関東
足の冷えは靴下とレッグウォーマーで解消できる - 45〜49歳・東北
布団に入る前に、布団乾燥機で温めておきます。靴下をはいて寝るのは体に良くないらしいので、レッグウォーマーにしています。 - 50〜59歳・近畿
レンジで温めるカイロを入れて寝ています。加湿器も必要に応じて使っています。湿度60%、部屋の温度22度前後になるようにしています。 - 50〜59歳・東北
November 20, 2017
We got responses from 297 women nationwide in “Winter, cold and dry during sleeping ~ sleep and beauty” conducted in October 2017.
80% of discomfort during sleep “feet get cold”.
“Dry throat” “dryness and itching of the skin” is less than 40%.
Does drying of air lead to discomfort while sleeping?
Many people do “prevention of air drying” such as “to use a humidifier” and “not to use a heating device” from free answers.
“Socks” is over 40% countermeasure against cold, “Leg warmers” and “belly band” are wearing less than 20% of people.
About 60% or more of the prevention of dryness and itching during bedtime resulted in “There is no particular attention to fibers”.
There seems to be many people who directly protect the skin from body drying such as body cream that moisturizes the skin rather than fibers.
The questionnaire was carried out in October was the most comfortable sleeping period of the year, but the hands and feet are already cold in late November when writing this comment.
Air heating dries, electric blankets dries, body thick pajamas get hard to turn over, honesty, comfortable sleeping environment is difficult.
I do not wear socks, but neck warmers, leg warmers are essential all year round.
In the winter, I sleep with the pola-tech fleece gown scooping up.
Sleep on the futon, put the gown on the top like a blanket, pass the arm through the sleeve. Doing this will cause the shoulder and neck base to not get cold. If you extend the sleeve of the gown you will be hidden to your fingertips and it will be warm. If it gets cold enough to make your back choked, lay down a blanket.
When I sleep like this, I feel almost no cold, and I go to bed soon. Well, after going to bed, the gown is kicking.
This is recommended for sleep alone, but when you sleep with two people probably you’d better stop it.
Implementation: June 9 – July 5, 2017
Number of respondents: 400
Women: 297
Male: 101
Other: 2 people
Total result of women only.
【Q1】Is there something you can not sleep in the winter, by partial cooling of your body or drying? What is the discomfort you feel while sleeping? (MA)
【Q2】Are you using bedding or bedding accessories to ease cold while sleeping? What kind of goods do you use? (MA)
【Q3】Are there any sticking fibers to prevent drying and itching during bedtime? What kind of fiber is it? (MA)
【Q4】Have you heard advice on cooling measures and drying measures at the shop front of bedding and bedding accessories? Do you want to ask advice? (SA)
【Q5】Please tell me if you have any discomfort during sleeping in the winter and ingenuity to prevent discomfort. (FA)
- 25 – 29 years old / Kinki
It is cold and hot as the degree of chilling depends on the part. I want to sleep with socks countermeasures against coldness, but as my socks get damp when I sweat, because it cools, my foot gets cold extra, so I try to take off when I go to bed. - 30 – 34 years old / Kanto
I get on the bathtub so that I get better sleeping. I have fallen asleep even if I sweat. Wear long-sleeved cotton material to absorb sweat. I think that I am relaxing time and warm feeling massage around my eyes only during the winter time before going to bed. Periodically remove dust. We also do skin drying measures such as night moisturizing milky lotion. - 35 – 39 years old / Tohoku
Drying of the throat was really hot, but it is best to wear a mask and wear a mask and it is totally different in the morning so it is especially important in the winter! The mask of a box with blue shiny tea which is sold for about 500 yen by 60 sheets in CINES is the best. Because there is a wire in the middle and the top of the mask, it is always uncomfortable and comfortable staying. - 40 – 44 years old / Kyushu · Okinawa
I am trying not to use heater as much as possible because it is weak and dry. But when it is cold it is important to drink warm green tea before going to sleep and hang the towel with plenty of hot water beside the pillow by sleeping clothes with laundry scissors so that it does not get wet. I think that it is preventing a throat dry a little more than not doing it. - 45 – 49 years old / Kinki
In the past, I gathered a lot of thick pajamas with gowns, I wore fleece boots to a thick socks and entered the bed. Especially in the winter, my body temperature got lower, even though I wear thick socks my feet ‘s nails become purple, so I dared to buy a rock mat 5 years ago. Since it can be raised up to 60 degrees, first leave it to be shaky, lower it to 45 degrees and set it for about 4 hours with a timer and you will be able to sleep soundly. - 50 – 59 years old / Kinki
I am sleeping by putting a warming warmer in the range. We also use a humidifier as necessary. Humidity is 60%, room temperature is around 22 degrees.